Since we all are enveloped around with gravity, floors hold an integral position in our lives. And this is the reason why our houses need the best possible flooring finishes. Although flooring has such significance in molding our house design, yet the decisions of its designs are often overlooked or put off till the last moment.
But what people don't seem to realize is that flooring is the physical contact a person withholds in space, and that's why we need to shower all our attention to floor finishes. Hence, flooring aspects are essential, and in times of finishing, we should always prefer functionality over trends. And what is it that effortlessly blends functionality with the trend? Well, the answer is concrete.
Concrete is a profusely wrapped construction material that offers comfortable flooring with glazed up finishes. Here are the top 5 Concrete Flooring Finishes Ideas you might consider:
Floors Adorned With Graphics
Graphics are universally acknowledged as natural honers. They add perfection to sobriety; any simple design could be honed through mere graphics touch-ups. Then why not add a handful of graphics to your floors and let them light up your precious little house. The addition of graphics is entirely based on the compatibility of technology and creativity; you could stencil your designs, add images, or even get your own engraved floors all through graphic concrete finishing.
Stained Designing
This might startle you, like why on earth would someone deliberately stain their surroundings. But trust us on this one, a typical acid stained floor is one of a kind design. A design that beautifully stands out from any other sort of design.
This flawless floor finish is a consequence of a dazzling scientific reaction where a mild acid is added to damp concrete floors. The acid then reacts with the lime present inside the concrete, creating varying color visuals that soothe eyes and complements our house.
Rippled Finishes
This finishing method is trending due to its raw concepts and rugged designs. In a world of fashion-less order, a gleaming disordered design brings a wonderful patterned change. This design requires a trowel that should simply be clutched against the floor and rubbed off, subsequently forming lines and mystic patterns. These patterns could then be hued up with beautiful shades and perfect colors.
If you are wondering how to customize a wondrous floor through Polished Concrete Floor Finishes, contact SDS-ME.